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Trusted Data-Driven Problem-Solving Services

Since 2001

Statoo Consulting can give you strategic and tactical advice on how to best utilise data and analytics (e.g., statistics, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence) concepts, principles, methods and tools, and to integrate them with information technology and other relevant sciences to solve large, complex, unstructured and data-rich problems sustainably.

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Prof. Dr. ès sc. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat, PhD EPFL

Founder, CEO & CAO

Prof. Dr. ès sc. Diego Kuonen, PhD in Statistics, Chartered Statistician (CStat) and Accredited Professional Statistician (PStat), founded Statoo Consulting in 2001, where he serves as CEO & CAO. He has extensive experience in advising and consulting businesses and government bodies in Switzerland and across Europe at the operational, tactical, and strategic levels. He and his team can advise and consult you on how to best utilise data and analytics to generate improved and sustainable results and to enable continuous improvement. With more than 24 years of professional practice, he has cultivated a deep expertise and a proven track record in his field.